Akashic Records Clearing
Akashic Records Clearing
What is the Akashic Records?
”Akashic” is Sanskrit for primary substance. The Akashic Records has been referred to by different names such as: The Book of Life, The Cosmic Mind, The Universal Mind, The Collective Unconscious, The Collective Subconscious and The Soul Records. It is the past, present and future knowledge of all things. It is the Universal filing system which records all thoughts, words and action. It is the repository of all human experience, a record of all events. Some say that The Akashic Records are similar to a Cosmic or collective consciousness. They are records of all talents and knowledge of every Soul. They are are not actual books or scrolls, though many people see them as such, when they access them, but they are actually an energetic vibration. It is this energy vibration that translates into images, forms, symbols, imagery and language that the mind can understand. Every person can access their own records using different trance state methods. Access to The Akashic Records is gained through access to the Higher Self/Higher Soul of that person and through The Akashic Record Masters of that person. So basically The Akashic Records is a database of energy stored within the Akashic field, your book of life hold all your experiences, thoughts, words, deeds, emotions, vows, everything you ever have been and everything you are presently and your potential future. This is all stored in this field of consciousness and unless you clear your records you will find that you will repeat negative patterns , thoughts, feelings and processes from past lives, not releasing that it can affect your NOW moment. It is very important to clear, heal and align with The Akashic Records before you step into your 5th Dimensional reality. We are the keepers of our existence, once we take full responsibility for our lives , we are then able to clear, heal and align in the Akash to become the very best version of ourselves.
How can an Akashic Records Clearing help you ?
An Akashic Recordings Clearing Session can be facilited to clear anything from abundance blocks , certain traumas that you are finding it hard to clear through normal talk therapy, some Soul Contract clearings, PastLife clearing, Ancestors clearing. Some examples of what my clients book to explore in this type of Sessions are medically unexplained pain or illnesses, depression, anxiety, weight issues, addition issues.