Reiki is hands on healing practice which has emerged from Japan. The word Reiki translates as Spiritual Universal Life Force Energy. This system of healing was developed by Mikao Usui in the early 20th Century. It is non-invasive complementary therapy that has been taught and used in Europe since the late 1990s, but Eastern medicine has for thousands of years worked with this energy. When giving Reiki, practitioner's have been shown to emit electro-magnetic energy from their hands. This modality is good for balancing your Energy System and reducing stress.
Science in the 1980s Dr. John Zimmerman, then at the University of Colorado’s School of Medicine, used SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device - magnetometer capable of detecting tiny biomagnetic fields associated with physiological activities occurring within the body) magnetometers to measure the pulsing biomagnetic field emanating from the hands of therapeutic touch practitioners. He found that these energy healers produced frequencies of pulsations that literally swept between 0.3 and 30 Hertz (cycles per second), which is in the same extremely low frequency (ELF) range where the brain operates. These same frequencies are capable of creating powerful healing responses in any part of the body. This work was also confirmed in 1992 by Seto and colleagues in Japan who studied “Qi emissions” in practitioners of various martial arts and healing methods using magnetometers consisting of two coils of wire with 80,000 turns. Since then there have been further studies extending these investigations to sound, light and thermal fields emitted by qigong practitioners. Specific frequencies stimulate the growth of nerves, bones, blood capillaries, ligaments, connective tissues and skin.
What happens in a Reiki Session – The Reiki Practitioner will explain how Reiki works. We have a chat on any topic you feel drawn to talking about. Reiki is non-intrusive. Client remains fully clothed during a Reiki Treatment. The Reiki practitioner follows a sequence of hand positions over the body. Generally, clients feel a deep sense of relaxation, depending on how aware you are of energy you may feel heat or tingling or coolness and energy flowing during a Reiki Session. Reiki works better when you have weekly Reiki Session for 3 to 6 weeks for the energy to build up in your system. No 2 cases are the same, as Reiki works on physical, emotional and spiritual levels. After a Reiki Session - Everyone is different and so will have a unique experience to a Reiki Session. Most people who receive a Reiki session or sessions report feeling relaxed, calmer, clearer and more focused.
How does Remote Reiki Distant Healing/Distance Healing work? Think of a cell phone. It’s not necessary to be in physical proximity to a caller to talk on a cell phone, as cell phones use electromagnetic radio waves to connect with other cell phones. Similarly, Reiki recipients do not need to be in physical proximity to Reiki Practitioners to receive Reiki, just as Practitioners don’t need to be near recipients to send it. Reiki Practitioners follow the Reiki protocol taught to them at Reiki Level 2 which teaches them how to connect with a person's energy system through the recipients permission, full name or date of birth or picture image.
While many who receive Remote Reiki Distant Healing sit comfortably still or lie down for sessions, which may be as brief as 15 minutes to an hour to 3hours or whatever duration of time has been booked, it’s not necessary to take a timeout. You could be driving to work and receive Remote Reiki Distant Healing. The cells of the body are intelligent. They can pull in the energy and use it appropriately to activate the wellness within that person.